
Posts Tagged ‘Growing Spirit’

I was a sad loss to the diplomatic core…

May 12, 2011 7 comments

But being blunt, sorry make that unable to keep quiet at times, paid off. At the monthly Busy Mums networking meeting run by the Lovely Grace Marshall of I was lucky enough to be shown Kate’s (of ) new products involving Crystal Essences and Essential oils. Kate is a talented Healer and I like her as a person and mentioned that her labels could be better. Ok, I admit I was a little blunter than that. But the upshot is that I got to design her new labels and it was lovely to be able to produce some work containing her lovely Butterfly logo.

My Thanks go to Kate for accepting me for who I am, bluntness and all and for allowing me the chance to help someone I like whilst doing a job I love.

Label for Growing Spirit